CD-ROM Magazine 1
CD-ROM Magazine - Issue 01.iso
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187 lines
Program : Disk-at-a-Glance for Windows, version 1.04 May 1994
Author : Steve Leonard, Compusrve ID 73557,203
Purpose : Shows what's using all your hard disk
Features - Tree Map with Directory Sizes and Subdir Counts & sizes
-------- - Pie Charts depict 16 largest directories
- Analog Gauges show free space for all drive letters
- Bar Graphs show relative sizes of all directories
- Can PRINT hardcopy of Tree Map, Gauges, and Pie Charts
To Install:
1. Copy DAGW.EXE and DAGW.HLP to any directory on your hard disk
2. Using the Program Manager File menu, select "New", then select "Item"
3. For Description, type anything (like "DaaG"). Then click the "Browse"
button; naviagte to the directory that you copied DAGW.EXE to, and
double click on DAGW.EXE
4. Click OK; Then double click on the DaaG Icon to run.
Note: To run this program, you need to have the file BWCC.DLL in your
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory; (or in the directory that DAGW.EXE is in).
BWCC.DLL is not included with this program when uploaded to BBS's
because it is a large (?) file - about 152,000 bytes, and you
probably already have this file. This is a standard file, and should
be readily available from the BBS or shareware distributor that
you received this program from. It is avaiable on Compuserve as
Running DaaG:
Just click on the various buttons on the Daag Button Bar. You'll quickly
see what DaaG does - provide information about what is consuming all your
disk space. This data is presented in the form of Tree Maps, Pie Charts,
Gauges and Bar Graphs.
When you select the Pie Chart or Tree Map options, Daag will report for
the currently selected drive. To switch to another drive letter, click
on the Select Drive button.
The Tree Map
The tree map shows the number of bytes used by each directory, and a
"cumulative" size for those directories that have subdirectories.
The Cumulative size column for any directory refers to the number of
bytes in all the child directories of THAT directory, plus the number
of bytes in the directory itself. If the directory has no subdirectories,
then the cumulative value is left blank (since it is the same as the
The "Subdirs" column gives a count of how many directories are in this
branch, including itself. However, if there are no subdirectories,
(meaning the count is 1) the number is not displayed (to reduce clutter,
in the same manner that the cumulative size is blank).
By looking at the value for the root Directory, you can immediately
see how many directories are on the disk.
*** Remember: If you add or deleted directories, they will not show up
on the Tree Map until you Regen the Tree (the button with the lightning
bolt hitting the tree).
Pie Charts
The piechart button creates a piechart of the top 16 directories by number
of bytes of disk used. If you have more than 16 directories, then the
smallest ones are grouped collectively under "Other".
The piechart button with a "1" in the center produces a similar piechart,
however, only the FIRST LEVEL directories are shown. This means that only
the directories that are directly under the Root Directory are shown.
The file sizes for each include ALL the subdirectories under the first
level directory.
In either case, each slice represents which percent of the "used disk space"
(not the total disk space) is taken up by a directory. This is required so
that the Pie Chart percents will always add up (approximately, due to
rounding) to 100%.
File Size Discrepency
The analog gauges show the total capacity of each drive letter, and the
amount of free space on each. If you subtract the free space from the total
size, you can see how much space you are using.
However, this number does not match the "cumulative size" column for the
Root Directory in the Tree Map window. This is because the cumulative
column is the sum of the number of bytes in each file on your disk. It does
not include the bytes used for a directory itself.
Additionally, DOS allocates file space in CLUSTERS (usually 2048 or 4096
bytes to a cluster). So even a 20 byte batch file, for example, will
actually use 2048 or 4096 bytes (depending on cluster size).
Bar Graphs
The Bar Graph scale changes depending on which directory your scrolling
window starts at. The scale is printed at the top of the window. If you
scroll 1 unit left or right, the scale may become inaccurate - to correct
simply scroll the window up and down, or scroll a page at a time. The
Bar Graph window is designed to show RELATIVE directory sizes; for
EXACT sizes, refer to the Tree Map window.
Note: The Bar Graphs CANNOT be printed !
=============================== IMPORTANT ===================================
Daag will create a directory named DAAG to hold the tree map file(s).
The tree map file is now named DAGW.TRx, where x= the drive letter.
The tree map files for all drive letters are now stored in the DAAG
directory on the SAME DRIVE (the "home" drive). The home drive defaults to
drive "C". This allows you to use DaaG to report on CDROM drives!
To use a different drive letter for the home drive, exter the drive letter
as a command line arguement TWICE. For example, to store all the tree map
files on drive D, use the Program MAnager File | Properties menu to
have the command line say "DAGW.EXE D D" (without the quote marks).
Since the Tree Map file has a new name, it is now completely independent
of the tree map file ued by the DOS version of DAAG (if you are using both).
Therefore, regenning the three map file in Windows DaaG does NOT update
the tree map file in DOS DaaG.
If you decide not to keep Daag, you should delete the DAAG directory.
Other than that, delete DAGW.EXE and DAGW.HLP.
* Don't worry - DaaG does not make any changes to any of your system *
* files (Autoexec.Bat, Config.Sys, the INI files, etc). *
DaaG is not a free program. If you continue to use DaaG after a 10 day
evaluation period, you are required to send a modest payment of only $10
(see note below on special offer for DOS DaaG) to
Steve Leonard, 212 Green Springs Ln, Madison, AL 35758.
Upon receipt of payment, you will be sent a disk containing the most recent
version of the program with the shareware notice removed.
Save on the DOS version of Disk-at-a-Glance (get both for $18)
There is also a DOS version of Disk-at-a-Glance. The current version (3.2)
has additional features not available in this program:
- can quickly find or change to directory by typing part of directory name
- also gives pie charts at the "branch" level
- can "drill down" on a particular directory to get details of file sizes
by extension; then list all files within that extension
- can "launch" programs without taking up any extra memory
And most importantly, includes a stand alone program "Delta-DaaG", which
tracks file changes over time. This program takes a "snapshot" of your
disk. You periodically take additional snapshots, and Delta-DaaG shows all
file additions, deletions, and changes that occurred between snapshots.
It also displays a histogram bar graph of files by date stamp for the past
240 months. You may find there's a bunch of files dated March 1983 on
your drive. A single mouse click shows what these files are.
Delta-DaaG (with Dos DaaG and printed manual) normally sells for $15 plus
$2 postage & handling. But under this offer, you can get both for $18.
There is no warranty, period.
Steve Leonard specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied.
Use this product at your own risk.
In no event shall Steve Leonard be liable for any loss of profit,
or any other damages or loss incurred because of this product.
This program may be distributed by Shareware companies, BBS's, magazines,
computer clubs, or anyone else, provided that:
1) this DOC file is included, unaltered.
2) it is noted that if a distribution fee is in effect, it goes to the
distributor, and that payment to Steve Leonard is still required.
3) please emphasize in program description / abstract that BWCC.DLL is
required and where users can obtain it from.